Intestinal Research



Could melatonin ameliorate the intestinal inflammation by modulating intestinal microbial composition?
Melatonin in the colon modulates intestinal microbiota in response to stress and sleep deprivation
Park YS, Kim SH, Park JW, et al. Intest Res. 2020;18(3):325-336

Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic refractory idiopathic inflammatory disorder of gastrointestinal tract. Stress can directly trigger intestinal inflammation through brain-gut axis. The melatonin, which is commonly used for sleep control, has been reported to ameliorate intestinal inflammation by modulating gut microbiota. Could sleep deprivation aggravate the intestinal inflammation? Could melatonin administration ameliorate the intestinal inflammation? Does the microbial composition relate to this change?

The present study sought to answer these questions using a stressed mice model with water stress and sleep deprivation. The melatonin concentration was measured and the microbial composition was analyzed in both stressed mice and control groups. The role of melatonin affecting the intestinal inflammation was demonstrated in the stressed mice model by regulating intestinal microbial composition.

  1. In this study, stressed mice model (water stress and sleep deprivation) showed significant weight loss. The melatonin concentration of stressed mice group was lower than control mice group.
  2. After melatonin treatment, the melatonin concentration of stressed mice group was significantly recovered.
  3. The microbial composition of stressed mice model showed significant abundances in colitogenic microbiota compared to control mice group.
  4. Administration of melatonin attenuated the microbial changes in stressed mice model (water stress and sleep deprivation).
Read more about the effect of melatonin in intestinal inflammation of stressed mice model.

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